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Since my childhood, I would love planting things in the garden. When I was a child I went away on family trips to visit my grandparents. They carried with them an international love of growing shared from generations that came from across the Atlantic Ocean. There, I always enjoyed the sweet taste of figs and racing out to catch them before the birds got a hold of them. It was always a flight against nature so to speak although little did I realize, I was simply sharing with nature in South Alabama. My grandfather planted those trees and did his own air layering for some of his plants. He was a lifelong gardener although it was only his hobby to grow some vegetables to add to the dinner table. After having had visited them for much of my childhood, I started going on sailing trips with my family to places like Florida, Bermuda and Nova Scotia. With that activity I became familiar with reading marine navigation equipment and maps (Amazon).
Then came the internet and blogging. With that, I found google analytics displaying traffic maps with loads of visitors coming from all over the world just to see my websites. Figgi Riggi especially is growing for worldwide visitors with an international love of figs from all sorts of interesting places. Each month, the exposure seems to grow. One page in particular on the site seems to be getting most of the attention: My method of Air Layering A Fig Tree Root, by growing roots right out of a branch without cutting back the bark. Traditional air layering involves stripping away or girdling about 1 inch of bark on the branch. I learned from my Rutgers Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Certification course, that trees generally grow back about a half inch of bark per year in either direction, so it’s safe to remove this much of the bark. Although the purpose of doing that with air layering is to grow roots and then cut off the branch once it’s finished. My method skips this step, making it less invasive to the tree while the branch continues to receive nutrients from the main trunk system through the bark until it is cut off. It’s sort of like a tree umbilical cord with love. It’s quite quick since it takes up to 6-8 weeks and you’ll have a full root ball ready for planting with 100% guaranteed results.
For all of my visitors who come from across the globe through all walks of international love, I often wonder how their fig tree projects are going. My most recent visitors are coming from romantic places such as Russia, Africa, China, India and South America. The bounce rate is only about 38%, so most of you visiting FiggiRiggi are real people looking for some info to share with your friends or to help teach other people in gardening forums. One thing I’ve learned from my class is that there is not one way or method for gardening, so I am always open to share among other gardeners. Someone I met not long ago said that I seem very specific in my target of growing brown turkey fig trees in USDA zone 7a that I might consider going for a PhD in the field, because I talk like some of the scientists he knows and I have a teaching background. I was honored to receive such a enlightened suggestion and soon I will be introduced to other research professionals. Right now, I am just going with the flow where doors open around me with each step I take. Meanwhile, Figgi Riggi opens doorways to my visitors with an international love of figs.