How I grew figs on a potted fig tree
Figs on a potted fig tree from a cutting or air layering takes time and patience. This is a story about an observation, not necessarily a story to teach or to sell a product, but the take away you may receive is that patience is a virtue.
This year I moved into a new home with vast acreage like a mini farm. I had some potted fig trees that I intend to plant in my new yard one day. I feel cautious about doing this in the new climate. One is a Brown Turkey fig tree and the other is a White Fig tree.
Growing up
When my tree was younger, it grew straight up and wouldn’t stop. Not much branching out. It was a tall thin trunk reaching up to the sky. Then finally two years ago it began to branch out after I decided to pinch the top. By this time, it was about 5 1/2 feet tall. So this year I left the tree on the deck of my new house to let it become acclimated with the new environment.
Growing figs on a potted fig tree
One day recently, I looked out the window and saw something familiar. Little bumps on the branches. I went outside with excitement thinking about little green babies and took a closer look and much to my surprise saw 3 little figs. I was growing figs on a potted fig tree. Why surprised? I didn’t actually believe that figs would grow on my potted trees while sitting in small nursery pots. I’m sure that the tree is root bound and I do intend to move it into a larger pot. Now come to think of it, the tree certainly is mature enough to develop figs since it’s about 6 years old by now.
Old Grow Medium
I had plans to change the old grow medium and prune the roots, but since its growing figs it’s not a good idea to give it that kind of shock. The better option is to move it to a larger pot with fresh grow medium.
Frigid environment
FIggi Riggi – The Art of Fig Farming originated with the plan to grow Brown Turkey fig trees only in USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 7a. The problem that I have now faced is the fact that my new residence is in Zone 6b. There are only slight differences, but Brown Turkey fig trees marginally grow in Zone 7a with a low yield. I set my plant down on my new back deck in it’s pot while I observed how the sunlight behaves. The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone is a helpful freeze hardiness guide. It can guide you so that you will not kill a tropical tree in specific environments. To read more about the purpose of such zones, I recommend that you visit the USDA to read more.
Tropical trees living in cold places
As mentioned, tropical tree roots can freeze and then die off even if it had a successful summer growing in the ground. I am hesitant to grow this potted fig tree in the ground in this new environment due to the fact that it’s in Zone 6b, instead I may plant my White Fig since it was grown nearby in this climate. I’ve spotted a portion of the back yard that will be perfect for the tree. With global warming of course, this zone 6b might become zone 7a. I dream to see palm trees in New Jersey.
Buy a fig tree today!
If you don’t already have a fig tree of your own, I recommend buying one directly from our new FiggiRIggi Store. I made sure that the selections I found are affordable for just about anyone who’s starting off growing figs on a potted fig tree as a hobby.