Rooting starter kit Rooting for the first time while propagating fig trees from clippings, then here are materials that you will need. Grow Medium — the type of soilless mix. I bought this FoxFarm Light Warrior Seed Starter Soilless Mix (Paid […]
Rooting From Summer Cuttings
Rooting from summer cuttings is very simple with this instruction Rooting with this method has close similarities to rooting from winter cuttings. It’s essentially the same, however it requires complex tools found in the Rooting Materials post. Materials required are […]
Rooting From Winter Cuttings
Rooting from winter cuttings made easy Everyone seems to have their own favorite method of rooting, especially when rooting from Winter cuttings. The steps below describe one method that some people like because they can stick the cuttings into the grow […]
Air Layering a Fig Tree Root
15 Steps to Air layering a tree to form roots Maybe you’re wondering what Air Layering is. When I first heard the words, I pictured wafer cookies with layers of air in them. Air Layering your fig tree is not […]
Lost Figs: Where are they?
Lost and Found Chances are that your figs are not in the lost and found at the police station. Knowing when the figs will grow and whether or not they’re being stolen or eaten by natures bugs and other critters […]
The Thing with Two Heads No, this isn’t the art of making a two-headed freak as in the movie classic, The Incredible Two-Headed Transplant / The Thing with Two Heads (Midnite Movies Double Feature) (Paid Link). This is about transplanting the […]
9 Essential Tips For Outside Living
Growing outside is low maintenance When you grow your fig tree outside, all you have to do is plant it and let it grow. Here are some suggestions to consider. Watering Watering trees outside as often as possible depends on […]
Potted Fig Trees
General Care For Potted Fig Trees Potted fig trees need certain requirements in order to grow successfully. Consider the following tips. Pot Type Choose a pot with a manageable size with holes on the bottom. The one I provide is […]
General Care
General Care for your fig tree General Care: How to know if your environment is suitable for growing a fig tree? Before you decide, check to see if you can get a minimum of 6 hrs sunlight for your tree. […]
Figs (ficus)
Fig Fact: Did you know that figs are not only fruit, but also flowers? How can this be? Some of these trees are self-pollinating and others require a very tiny wasp. It enters through a little hole (the mouth) at the end […]