Since my childhood, I would love planting things in the garden. When I was a child I went away on family trips to visit my grandparents. They carried with them an international love of growing shared from generations that came […]

Since my childhood, I would love planting things in the garden. When I was a child I went away on family trips to visit my grandparents. They carried with them an international love of growing shared from generations that came […]
Aphrodisiacs of the Sexy Figgi There are known aphrodisiacs in folklore that eating a raw fig while nude is an act of sexuality. My friend thinks that a fig is shaped like a scrotum. When one is cut in half, […]
Here is an official list of fig facts from Purdue University. These facts show everything from home remedies to nutritional information. Here is a more human version of the nutritional information: Here’s another good resource on Fig Facts. […]
Here’s a basic illustration on fig identities. It just shows how to identify figs through the leaf silhouette. However, the variety on this blog is not listed here. The fig tree shown in this blog is the Brown Turkey fig. […]
Fig Fact: Did you know that figs are not only fruit, but also flowers? How can this be? Some of these trees are self-pollinating and others require a very tiny wasp. It enters through a little hole (the mouth) at the end […]