Shelter for your fig tree is right around the corner Now is the time to think about how you want to winterize your fig tree When I was a child growing up in New Jersey, I spent much time my […]

Shelter for your fig tree is right around the corner Now is the time to think about how you want to winterize your fig tree When I was a child growing up in New Jersey, I spent much time my […]
What is a killing freeze (hard freeze)? A killing freeze is when temperatures fall to or below 28ºF for at least a week. Most trees can survive brief periods of 32ºF. The killing freeze weather condition can kill a young […]
Ready for harvesting your ripe figs? Your figs have been growing for a couple of months now, it’s August or September with the sweet fig smell in the air and they’re beginning to change color, some being eaten by birds, […]
The Thing with Two Heads No, this isn’t the art of making a two-headed freak as in the movie classic, The Incredible Two-Headed Transplant / The Thing with Two Heads (Midnite Movies Double Feature) (Paid Link). This is about transplanting the […]
Growing outside is low maintenance When you grow your fig tree outside, all you have to do is plant it and let it grow. Here are some suggestions to consider. Watering Watering trees outside as often as possible depends on […]