How to cure Coral Spot disease As you know, I love fig trees for the bountiful sweetness that they provide and have enjoyed this since my childhood when my granddaddy in south Alabama grew them in his back yard. They’re […]

How to cure Coral Spot disease As you know, I love fig trees for the bountiful sweetness that they provide and have enjoyed this since my childhood when my granddaddy in south Alabama grew them in his back yard. They’re […]
Rabbits are so sweet, cute and lovable. Right? Everyone wants one to own as a pet since they’re so innocent and couldn’t hurt a fly if it tried. That’s only if you own them as domesticated pets. Not such the […]
Rabbit protection, a necessity Sometimes when you do all that you can for protection of your fig trees from natural forces, nature and a rabbit will prevail somehow. This winter was a rather harsh one. Snow was protection over the ground for […]
What is a killing freeze (hard freeze)? A killing freeze is when temperatures fall to or below 28ºF for at least a week. Most trees can survive brief periods of 32ºF. The killing freeze weather condition can kill a young […]
Figs are a popular sweet treat in nature for both humans and the sneakiest pests Figs are attacked by all sorts of pests and they do it ferociously as if the end of the world has come. They can drain the […]
How To Train Your Dragon Training your tree, not a dragon Training your fig tree, not training your dragons. Here are some basic examples on fig tree shapes. There are two common forms that a fig tree can be trained into: […]
Rust spots on your leaves There are fungi that can attack your fig tree leaves. If you find large brown areas, or with a mold growing – immediately cut off the affected leaves and discard them so that the fungus […]
Solutions are available for injured fig leaves. Fig trees in this area of the Northeast don’t have many pests. Once in a while, you’ll come across leaves being eaten or discolored. Sometimes you’ll find that nothing is eating the leaves […]
Symptom: Yellow, wilting or curling Yellow, wilting or curling leaves. This is a sign that your tree is dehydrated and needs water ASAP. Solution: If the tree has been growing in the ground, place a garden hose directly at the […]
Lost and Found Chances are that your figs are not in the lost and found at the police station. Knowing when the figs will grow and whether or not they’re being stolen or eaten by natures bugs and other critters […]