I have had an interest as a gardener and enjoying the delicious nature of figs ever since my childhood after years of visiting my grandparents in south Alabama. There, they had the most memorable sweet Brown Turkey fig trees. Since […]

I have had an interest as a gardener and enjoying the delicious nature of figs ever since my childhood after years of visiting my grandparents in south Alabama. There, they had the most memorable sweet Brown Turkey fig trees. Since […]
Home Sweet Home Figgi Riggi moves to a unique home-plate Home-plate as in baseball? No, we aren’t playing baseball with figs. Although it could be fun to smash them with a baseball bat through a powerful swing. Because there are so many […]
Chances are that birds have found your figs to be mighty delicious! mmmm, they’ve got a sweet tooth There are two possible solutions you can try. (these solutions are not a guarantee for success) […]