How I grew figs on a potted fig tree Figs on a potted fig tree from a cutting or air layering takes time and patience. This is a story about an observation, not necessarily a story to teach or to […]

How I grew figs on a potted fig tree Figs on a potted fig tree from a cutting or air layering takes time and patience. This is a story about an observation, not necessarily a story to teach or to […]
4 Steps To Make Pecan Fig Bread. Last Fall I was picking figs on the tree and began to think about the fruit pantry in my grandma’s country house in Loxley, Ala. It was filled with jars of canned fruits […]
Since my childhood, I would love planting things in the garden. When I was a child I went away on family trips to visit my grandparents. They carried with them an international love of growing shared from generations that came […]
Spring Cleanup: A good time to tidy things up a bit This late Spring, you may have noticed a bit of silence from my posts lately. That’s because I’ve been working away in the invisible background cleaning up affiliate site […]
Figs are a popular sweet treat in nature for both humans and the sneakiest pests Figs are attacked by all sorts of pests and they do it ferociously as if the end of the world has come. They can drain the […]
Family History Of Making Fig Preserves When I was a little kid visiting my grandparents in the South Alabama town called Loxely, I recall moments in the laundry room looking up at all the canned foods my grandmother prepared. They […]
How To Train Your Dragon Training your tree, not a dragon Training your fig tree, not training your dragons. Here are some basic examples on fig tree shapes. There are two common forms that a fig tree can be trained into: […]
Rust spots on your leaves There are fungi that can attack your fig tree leaves. If you find large brown areas, or with a mold growing – immediately cut off the affected leaves and discard them so that the fungus […]
Solutions are available for injured fig leaves. Fig trees in this area of the Northeast don’t have many pests. Once in a while, you’ll come across leaves being eaten or discolored. Sometimes you’ll find that nothing is eating the leaves […]
Here is an official list of fig facts from Purdue University. These facts show everything from home remedies to nutritional information. Here is a more human version of the nutritional information: Here’s another good resource on Fig Facts. […]