How to cure Coral Spot disease As you know, I love fig trees for the bountiful sweetness that they provide and have enjoyed this since my childhood when my granddaddy in south Alabama grew them in his back yard. They’re […]

How to cure Coral Spot disease As you know, I love fig trees for the bountiful sweetness that they provide and have enjoyed this since my childhood when my granddaddy in south Alabama grew them in his back yard. They’re […]
Home Sweet Home Figgi Riggi moves to a unique home-plate Home-plate as in baseball? No, we aren’t playing baseball with figs. Although it could be fun to smash them with a baseball bat through a powerful swing. Because there are so many […]
Pruning the roots once every 2-3 years When pruning the roots of your potted fig trees, you must perform this once every 2-3 years. Otherwise the tree might experience a stunted growth and cause stress to the tree. It’s a good idea […]
How To Train Your Dragon Training your tree, not a dragon Training your fig tree, not training your dragons. Here are some basic examples on fig tree shapes. There are two common forms that a fig tree can be trained into: […]
Rooting from summer cuttings is very simple with this instruction Rooting with this method has close similarities to rooting from winter cuttings. It’s essentially the same, however it requires complex tools found in the Rooting Materials post. Materials required are […]
Rooting from winter cuttings made easy Everyone seems to have their own favorite method of rooting, especially when rooting from Winter cuttings. The steps below describe one method that some people like because they can stick the cuttings into the grow […]
Lost and Found Chances are that your figs are not in the lost and found at the police station. Knowing when the figs will grow and whether or not they’re being stolen or eaten by natures bugs and other critters […]
Growing outside is low maintenance When you grow your fig tree outside, all you have to do is plant it and let it grow. Here are some suggestions to consider. Watering Watering trees outside as often as possible depends on […]
General Care For Potted Fig Trees Potted fig trees need certain requirements in order to grow successfully. Consider the following tips. Pot Type Choose a pot with a manageable size with holes on the bottom. The one I provide is […]