I have had an interest as a gardener and enjoying the delicious nature of figs ever since my childhood after years of visiting my grandparents in south Alabama. There, they had the most memorable sweet Brown Turkey fig trees. Since […]

I have had an interest as a gardener and enjoying the delicious nature of figs ever since my childhood after years of visiting my grandparents in south Alabama. There, they had the most memorable sweet Brown Turkey fig trees. Since […]
How to cure Coral Spot disease As you know, I love fig trees for the bountiful sweetness that they provide and have enjoyed this since my childhood when my granddaddy in south Alabama grew them in his back yard. They’re […]
Rust spots on your leaves There are fungi that can attack your fig tree leaves. If you find large brown areas, or with a mold growing – immediately cut off the affected leaves and discard them so that the fungus […]
Growing outside is low maintenance When you grow your fig tree outside, all you have to do is plant it and let it grow. Here are some suggestions to consider. Watering Watering trees outside as often as possible depends on […]
General Care For Potted Fig Trees Potted fig trees need certain requirements in order to grow successfully. Consider the following tips. Pot Type Choose a pot with a manageable size with holes on the bottom. The one I provide is […]
Fig Fact: Did you know that figs are not only fruit, but also flowers? How can this be? Some of these trees are self-pollinating and others require a very tiny wasp. It enters through a little hole (the mouth) at the end […]